Mr Lassane Ouedraogo – WAPECC23

Mr Lassane Ouedraogo – WAPECC23

Mr Lassane Ouedraogo

Director of Energy and Mines at the Commission of UEMOA

Lassane Ouedraogo holds a master’s degree in Energy, DESS in Economics and Energy Policy and an MBA. He also holds a University Certificate in Energy Policy and Environmental Issues. After working as a Consultant in the Energy Sector, Mr Ouedraogo joined the UEMOA Commission as Scientific Assistant of the Regional Biomass Energy Programme – From […]

Lassane Ouedraogo holds a master’s degree in Energy, DESS in Economics and Energy Policy and an MBA. He also holds a University Certificate in Energy Policy and Environmental Issues.
After working as a Consultant in the Energy Sector, Mr Ouedraogo joined the UEMOA Commission as Scientific Assistant of the Regional Biomass Energy Programme – From 2009 to 2015, he was Senior Executive in charge of Energy, 2015-2016. He was Head of the Division of Conventional Energy and since 2017 he has held the position of Director of Energy and Mines at the Commission of UEMOA (The West African Monetary and Economic Union), coordinating the development and implementation of energy and mining policies and programs in UEMOA.

What to Expect – WAPECC23

What to Expect – WAPECC23

The virtual Conference WAPECC Abuja21 will mirror the dynamics of a physical conference from entering the hall, attending the sessions, engaging with speakers and interacting with exhibitors to networking with co-attendees via real-time chat tools.

The two-day digital WAPECC Abuja21 will include:

  • Virtual panel discussions and projects presentations offering the same presentations about exciting products and services as in-person events, complete with messaging between attendees and exhibitors.
  • Virtual Networking. In virtual session rooms, attendees will see the list of attendees, making it easy to begin one-on-one chats
  • A virtual lounge will facilitate discussion, creating connections between attendees interested in similar topics.
WAPECC23 – West Africa Power and Energy Cooperation Conference

WAPECC23 – West Africa Power and Energy Cooperation Conference

Under the high patronage of H.E Minister of the Federal Ministry of Power of Nigeria and with the support of the Economic Community of West African States, Konect Group were proud to present the second edition of the  West African Power and Energy Cooperation Conference (WAPECC 21) which took place virtually from 3rd – 4th  June 2021.

Virtual WAPECC Abuja provided an intimate platform to network and socialise, and brought together the region’s top decision makers, international investors, leading technology providers, power developers, donor bodies, development partners, management consultancy firms, and other professionals from around the globe and from across West Africa.



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Dr Joy Ogaji – WAPECC23

Dr Joy Ogaji – WAPECC23

Dr Joy Ogaji

CEO of the Association of Power Generation Companies, Nigeria

Dr. Joy O. Ogaji (PhD, LLM, BL, LLB) is a Nigerian/British Professional with over 16 years of progressive managerial experience in commercial/corporate law such as Oil and Gas, Power/Energy, Property and Regulatory matters. Her core competence covers a wide variety of disciplines spanning many years of public and private sector experience with nine years in […]

Dr. Joy O. Ogaji (PhD, LLM, BL, LLB) is a Nigerian/British Professional with over 16 years of progressive managerial experience in commercial/corporate law such as Oil and Gas, Power/Energy, Property and Regulatory matters. Her core competence covers a wide variety of disciplines spanning many years of public and private sector experience with nine years in senior management positions.

Dr Ogaji is currently the pioneer Executive Secretary of the Association of Power Generation Companies. Until her current role, she was the Team Lead for the Regulatory and Transactions Monitoring Unit of the Presidential Task Force on Power (PTFP), while she also doubled as the Legal Adviser to the PTFP and its Chairman. Her portfolio covers all the elements of the privatisation of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria’s successor companies and has been implemented by the Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE) and the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC). She possesses extensive exposure to working in Nigeria and knowledge of the various oil and gas agreements such as oil pipeline licensing Gas transportation agreements, gas purchase agreements, regulations coupled with the analytical ability to interpret various orders and regulations issued by NERC.

Dr Joy Ogaji was also the pioneer head of legal and regulatory for the Hydro-Carbon Pollution Restoration Project (HYPREP) housed under the Federal Ministry of Petroleum following the UNEP report. Dr Ogaji, as part of her role, developed all the preliminary documentations for the start-up of the HYPREP projects. She interfaced with several international and national organisations such as John Hopkins University of the USA, Cranfield University, UK, Bincom Nigeria Limited and several other contractors.

M. Sediko Douka – WAPECC23

M. Sediko Douka – WAPECC23

M. Sediko Douka

M. Sediko Douka Commissaire à l’énergie de la CEDEAO

Mr Sédiko DOUKA est le Commissaire chargé de l’Energie et Mines de la CEDEAO. Il a près de 27 ans d’expérience professionnelle dans le domaine des infrastructures, particulièrement l’énergie. Mr DOUKA est spécialisé dans le montage et la coordination des programmes et projets de transport, énergie et télécoms. Il est aussi spécialisé dans l’assistance technique, […]

Mr Sédiko DOUKA est le Commissaire chargé de l’Energie et Mines de la CEDEAO. Il a près de 27 ans d’expérience professionnelle dans le domaine des infrastructures, particulièrement l’énergie. Mr DOUKA est spécialisé dans le montage et la coordination des programmes et projets de transport, énergie et télécoms. Il est aussi spécialisé dans l’assistance technique, le conseil, la formulation et la coordination des stratégies et politiques sectorielles dans le domaine des infrastructures. Il a une bonne connaissance des procédures et règles des principaux partenaires au développement, une expérience à l’international de 16 ans dont le Système des Nations Unies et neuf ans à la Commission de la CEDEAO ou il a occupé le poste de Directeur.

Mr DOUKA a rejoint la CEDEAO en tant que Conseiller Régional en Développement des Infrastructures. Il à participé à l’élaboration de plusieurs textes politiques régionaux a propos de l’énergie et a joué le rôle de point focal du Programme pour le Développement des Infrastructures en Afrique(PIDA).

Il a participé à la mise en place des Agences spécialisées de la CEDEAO suivantes : le PPDU, l’ARREC et l’ECREEE.

Mr DOUKA a travaillé durant sept ans (2002-2009) au Siege de l’Agence pour la Sécurité de la Navigation Aérienne en Afrique et à Madagascar(ASECNA) à Dakar, Sénégal – une organisation multinationale de 17 Etats membres et onze ans à la Société Nigérienne d’Electricité, NIGELEC, une entreprise publique en charge de la production, transport, distribution et commercialisation de l’énergie électrique au Niger.

Il est Titulaire d’un Diplôme d’Ingénieur Electromécanicien de l’Ecole Supérieure Interafricaine de l’Electricité (ESIE), Bingerville – Côte d’Ivoire, d’un DESS en Administration et Gestion des Entreprises et d’un Master Finance de Université de Dakar (Sénégal). Il est aussi titulaire d’un Certificat en «énergies renouvelables et non renouvelables » des Universités de Rennes 1 et 2 en France.